European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has declared an all-out vaccine war on Britain.
She has threatened a blockade of the Oxford-AstraZeneca serum made in Europe.
Ms Von der Leyen said Brussels would stop shipments being exported to the UK if the pharmaceutical company did not meet its supply agreement to EU countries.
She said: “We have the possibility to forbid planned exports.
“That is the message to AstraZeneca, ‘You fulfil your contract with Europe before you start delivering to other countries’.”
Meanwhile, France’s European Affairs Minister Clement Beaune hinted at a similar course of action.
He said: “We need a principle of reciprocity: supply others if they supply us in accordance with signed contracts.”
Thirteen countries stopped using the AstraZeneca vaccine over concerns about blood clotting in recipients.
That ban has now been lifted after the European Medicines Agency said it was safe.
So far, no more than 12 per cent of adults in France, Germany and Italy have been given Covid-19 jabs.
The slow roll-out has led to a third wave of infections and further lockdown measures are being brought in.
More than 26 million people in the UK have had their first jab.
Another record breaking 874,000 plus vaccines were done in one day (Saturday).