oday’s (14 January) Forum Europe Debate, co-hosted by MEPs García del Blanco (S&D), Eva Maydell (EPP), Alexandra Geese and Anna Cavazzini (Greens/EFA), discussed the practical, technical and political questions that will determine the future of tech and data in Europe.
Huawei Chief Representative to the EU Institutions Abraham Liu outlined the company’s contribution to this objective today during the online debate “Europe in the digital age: global partnerships to foster European leadership”, organized by Forum Europe.
Huawei Chief Representative to the EU Institutions Abraham Liu
“We can boost Europe’s digital sovereignty by helping it develop and protect strategic resources – but openness and common standards will be key to getting there,” says Huawei’s Abraham Liu. “How can one unlock digital sovereignty for Europe? By safeguarding the leadership role enabling it to set global standards through openness and innovation, and by investing in the assets that protect its strategic interests. ”
“Huawei contributes to EU digital sovereignty in three important ways: by acting as a major investor in and partner to European industry; by helping to ensure that data and innovation stay in Europe; and by contributing to an open and secure European digital ecosystem,” Mr Liu stressed during the event. “We want European citizens to have the best technology, the best privacy and the best security, without having to rely on trust or being hampered by lack of choice or cost.”
Mr Liu highlighted the important role for Europe in creating a regulatory framework enabling security based on common standards and facts rather than just trust: “I firmly believe that Europe should set the rules. It should also remain open so every multinational company, like ours, can follow these rules,” he said.
Huawei has been investing heavily in European industrial production, with future priorities including investment in building facilities for 5G production and advanced technical research facilities in cybersecurity and transparency. Over the next five years, the company has committed to investing €100 million in the development of a robust AI ecosystem in Europe, partnering to connect industry leaders with at least 200,000 developers.